Orange County Stroke Rehab Network Quarterly Meeting Minutes September 23, 2010
The third meeting of the Orange County Stroke Support Groups took place on Thursday, June 29, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the American Heart Association offices at 4600 Campus Drive, Irvine, CA 92617. Below are the meeting minutes. For future meeting information, please contact us.
Meeting minutes:
Add calendar of events:
our flyers of meetings, events, studies
where others can post their flyers also
Make it easier for public users to search site
Links to sites with subcategories: AHA, senior centers, ADRC, Stroke Connection, RESNA, national/state stroke organizations, UCI stroke links, stroke facts/awareness/education, recreation, clinical trials in So Cal, stroke survivor resources: caregiver aides, home modification
Facebook page: need help from members in regards to media/marketing
Listing our events in OC Register
Lecture on November 6, 2010
Future Ideas for topics
Constraint Induced Therapy
Vestibular Rehab
Each OCSRN Meeting:
Make each meeting useful
Pick a topic for each meeting, everyone bring in ideas/3 URLs